Rabu, 16 Juni 2010


Orchid is an ornamental flowering plant beautiful flowers in the form of the parasite.
Orchid has been known since 200 years ago and since last 50 years starting
widely cultivated in Indonesia.
Species of orchids found in Indonesia, including a beautiful species, among others:
Vanda tricolor located in West Java and in Kaliurang, Vanda hookeriana, color
purple spots come from Sumatra, orchids larat / Dendrobium phalaenopis,
orchid month / Phalaenopsis amabilis, Apple Blossom orchid, orchid
Paphiopedilun praestans derived from Irian Jaya and orchids Paphiopedilun
glaucophyllum originating from Central Java.
Orchid plants can be differentiated based on the nature of life, namely:
1) Orchid is a type of orchid Ephytis menupang on stem / other trees
but do not destroy / harm the rode. A tool used to
is attached to the roots, whereas roots that function to search for
food is the root of the air.
2) semi Ephytis Orchid is a type of orchid attached to the trees / plants
others that do not damage the rode, only root is also functioning bond stress
such as air is to find the roots to grow food.
3) Orchid soil / terrestrial orchid is a species of orchids that live above ground.
The main benefit of this plant is as ornamental plants because orchids
has beauty, distinctive smell. Also useful as an orchid
mixed herb medicine, perfume material / hair oil.
Sentra orchid plants in Europe are England, whereas in Asia is
Thailand. In Indonesia, orchids were widely available in West Java, Central Java,
Sumatra or in West Irian.
5.1. Climate
1) Wind and rain is not too much influence on plant growth
2) The sunlight is needed at all for this plant. Light needs
vary depending on the type of orchid plants.
3) The minimum temperature for the growth of orchids is 12.7 degrees C. If the temperature
the night air under 12.7 degrees C, then the area is not
recommended for planting orchids (in the Dieng Plateau).
4) orchid plants are not suitable in wet atmosphere continuously, but
like the air in the daytime humidity 65-70%.
5.2. Planting media
There are three types of media for orchid plants, namely:
1) media for orchids and Semi Ephytis Ephytis consists of:
1. Fern fiber that has been simmering.
2. Discarded bark resin.
3. Coconut fiber that has been soaked in water for two weeks.
4. Roofed.
5. Palm tree stems.
6. Wood charcoal.
7. Fractional tiles / bricks.
8. The materials cut to size of plants and roots.
For orchids Semi Epirit whose roots attached to the media to seek
food, need to be given additional food such as compost, manure / daundaunan.
2) Media for orchid Terrestria
This orchid species live in the land it needs added fertilizer, compost, rice husk,
manure, animal blood, ferns and other fibers.
3) Media for semi Terrestria orchids
Material for this orchid media need a rather large pieces of tile,
chaff plus manure / wood shavings. Precarious fractions of media used,
wood fiber, fiber and other ferns. Acidity of soil water use
is 5.2.
5.3. Altitude Venue
Altitude suitable for cultivation of these plants can be divided into three
types, namely:
1) heat Orchid (altitude 0-650 m asl)
Orchids need the hot air temperature 26-30 degrees C in the daytime, 21
degrees C at night, with the height of 0-650 meters above sea level. Example
These orchids are:
1. Dendrobium Phalaenopsis
2. Onchidium Papillo
3. Phaphilopedillum Bellatum
2) Orchid medium (altitude 150-1500 m asl)
Orchids are the daytime air temperature 21 degrees C and 15-21 degrees C,
at night, with an altitude of 150-1500 m above sea level.
3) Orchid cold (more than 1500 m asl)
Cool rare orchid growing in Indonesia, to grow well in air temperature 15-21
degrees C in the daytime and 9-15 degrees C at night, with a height ≥
1500 m asl. Examples: Cymbidium orchid species.
6.1. Seeding
1) Requirements for Breeding
Orchid seedlings a good, healthy and excel has some characteristics, namely: shape
stems strong, rapid growth, lush leaves, flowers, lush and beautiful.
(to be continued)

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