Senin, 26 April 2010

let's trip to MAKASSAR

You know the city is the capital city of Makassar, South Sulawesi, Makassar first time New Order was given the name Ujungpandang, when President Gus Dur in the change to Makassar. Beautiful and exotic city. I'm just one year moved to Makassar from a town in East Java, namely Kediri. But after living a year in Makassar Makassar I feel that the store's exotic and beautiful scenery.
Look at landscape photography in Makassar, if you come to Makassar only three days then it is not enough to visit the beautiful places here, at least you'll have to stay in Makassar 10 days, you will feel a new real beauty of it.

Minggu, 25 April 2010


Islam never teaches violence, acts which Islam teaches gentleness, modesty, Good morals, connect brotherhood, peace is required if a fight. None of the Koran verse that commands battle against mankind, the Qur'an teaches self-defense.
Look at Islam always teaches relationship, a relationship which broke up again. Proscribe an argument, proscribe murder, forbids theft, corruption and despicable actions.
If there are people of Islam who commit murder, theft, corruption of course people are only admitted as a Muslim, but his sunggug they are not Islamic people, and maybe the person who is not religious.

Look at those who committed relationship starting from the president, students, officials and other citizens, how beautiful Islam is.


According to some witnesses before the earthquake in Yogyakarta, looks and sounds great explosion in the southern ocean followed by a large fireball. You look at these photographs. Yogyakarta earthquake have been destroyed, destroy historic sites. Actually what happened in Yogyakarta.
Apart from all that, many of the tragic loss of life from the dead, broken legs, broken arms and maimed for life, really a terrible humanitarian tragedy


A terrible humanitarian disaster that occurred in Porong, Sidoardo, East Java, Indonesia. Many residents have lost homes, lost children of school buildings, the workers lost their jobs because factories were drowned by the mud, the mothers cried hysterically for losing the house that was occupied for decades, many graves are sinking. No longer know where to find the tomb of his ancestors, really tragic.
Imagine if our homes, our villages, our school, our office, our playground, the factories we suddenly drowned out by a devastating mud. True - was awful. And it's really happening in Porong Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia, since 2005.

Lapindo mud disaster photo gallery